So what do we,

MemeCard creators do?

We are trying to make the best out of playing cards, which we can get the attention of youth people with: we make meme cards. Which means, that previously known card-types and games are filling up our decks but in a meme appearance.

The First MemeCard deck, the AKA

We've been thinking a lot about how could we get audience's discretion. We had several game ideas in mind - that we made games out of later (6Pac, Duel) - firstly the AKA was made, which's gameplay is as easy as you could see it in Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds: we put the cards on our foreheads and with else's support we try to find our who we are. Sounds good, right? And how good is it when we do it with memes! After two month continuous work we have made a box - which you can get with a deck in a hand-made form - and the first 100 cards - which unfortunately we only can put 40 of in a deck so we can sell it with a good looking - but the result won't change, we can guarantee!

MemeCard 2019 - Capitaliser Kft.
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